Get bidding with Cottonopolis' Art in Action Charity Auction

The Easter Bank Holiday saw Art in Action come to Cottonopolis, where they teamed up with Bulliet Frontier Works and Art Battle Manchester to present a full day of interactive art and music, as well as allowing legend Tim Burgess on the decks for a night of top tunes.

By Ben Brown | 5 April 2018

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Art Battle pulled together six artists to capture in their own unique way the inspiration they take from Manchester and now that art has been put up for auction in order to raise money for Action Hunger.

Each piece represents the artists’ own interpretation of local community; a chance for them to show us how they see the city, its people and the parts that make it a whole.

The pieces include an original oil painting of Emmeline Pankhurst by Secret Society Tattoo, Graphene by Nathan Aiyna Sassen and my personal favourite Boobs/hand/cotton buds by MOZE (Cilla Miller).

You can check out the pieces below and get your amounts in for the auction to win.

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Cottonopolis, 16 Newton St, Manchester M1 2AE
0161 236 5144