Jon Bon Burger Thursdays at Bunny Jackson's

I'm not sure if you know this but Jon Bon Jovi is a secret burger aficionado and pretty much all Bon Jovi songs are about the special burgers in his life and not all the women, as you previously thought.

By Ben Brown | Last updated 12 July 2018

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Of course, everyone knows that ‘Always’ is about all those times in Maccies when he was asked ‘Would you like to go supersize?’ and Slippery When Wet refers to his penchant to dip his Whopper in his full fat coke between every mouthful – to help it slip down his mouth faster.

Ever since Morgan Spurlock and the rest of the PC brigade got involved though, Bon Jovi has pretty much abandoned most of his burger related activities – but thanks to Bunny Jackson’s – he can start up again.

Every week at the First Street venue they’ll be putting on Jon Bon Burger Thursdays where you can bag yourself some lovely delicious Sliders for only £1.50 each or go for 6 for £7.50. Not only this but they’ll also be banging out some proper glam-sex-rock tunes all day alongside shots of Fireball for £2.

While listening to the likes of Bon Jovi, Motley Crue and Van Halen you can tuck into their brilliant sliders including the classic Backyard (beef patty, cheese, greens and shack sauce), the Cajun Salmon (cheesy Cajun spiced salmon with avocado, spring onion and mayo) or even the Fairground Banger (American style sausage patty, fairground onions, mustard and ketchup).

Not only this but every week they’ll also be offering a special Crazy Burger which will be different every time you pop in. Just ask the staff behind the counter what it is.

Bunny Jacksons, 1 Jack Rosenthal Street, Manchester M15 4RA