Drag Aerobics Live with Dolly Trolley
Wednesday 3rd June
If I’d have done ANY form of exercise when lockdown started, I’d be looking pretty trim by now. Instead I look like Rik Waller after a 3 hour binge down the All You Can Eat Chinese. Time to sort it out then, as soon as possible before lockdown finishes and people can see me below the shoulders. This Drag Aerobics is the one then, presented live every Wednesday. Dolly Trolley is hosting and it’ll be a lot of fun.
National Fish & Chip Day
Friday 5th June
The first Friday of June is National Fish & Chips Day and so it would be rude if you didn’t spend £20 down the chippy for your tea. It’s a bit more difficult this year though so you’re either going to have to find somewhere that’s delivering, that’s still open because they’re classed as a takeaway or make your own. Give Atlantic in Chorlton a shout, as well as Kingfisher in the NQ. Or even Kingfisher near me in Stretford. I’m sure there are LOADS more. Go crazy and don’t forget that tin of Dandelion an Burdock.
Girl Power! Bingo
Friday 5th June
‘Girl Power’. It was massive in the 90s. It still is. Thanks to the Spice Girls, Girl Power seriously became a ‘thing’ with songs like ‘Spice Up Your Life’, ‘2 Become 1’ and of course their best song ever – ‘Stop’. This online bingo event is all about Girl Power – so there’ll be loads of Spice Girls, as well as Beyonce, Britney, Christina, Madonna, Cher, Rihanna, Sugababes, Girls Aloud, Taylor and more. Get dressed up and win some prizes baby.
United We Feed with Eat Well MCR
Saturday 6th June
This weekend sees United We Stream start to wrap up their streaming events, mostly because we’re slowly getting out of lockdown and they’re hoping they won’t need to stream events for very much longer. Fingers crossed on that one. Before they go though, this Saturday sees a 5-hour variety extravaganza take place, all in aid of Eat Well MCR and their efforts to feed people during this pandemic. There’s a whole host of Manc legends joining in – a few of which you can see in the exquisitely made image above. The rest? Click the link below.
Naked Neon Life Drawing
Monday 8th June
Those are 4 words that you probably never thought would go together. It pretty much sums everything up though for you. It’s basically a naked person, coated in neon that you then need to draw from the comfort of your very own home. I suppose it’s going to be rather therapeutic and relaxing and a little bit sexy. It’s all virtual too so if you find yourself getting excited – nobody will see.