As you’d expect, there’s not much going on this week – everyone is firmly in ‘Christmas Mode’. I’ve managed to find a few decent things though for you to enjoy before you tuck into the turkey on Tuesday…
Mad Friday 2018
Friday 21st December
The one night of the year where apparently everyone goes ‘mad’ – like a gang of Gremlins after too many E numbers, the last Friday before Christmas has become notorious over the last few years and 2018 shouldn’t be any different. Except, it probably will be slightly tamer because none of us have been paid yet – so we’re all a bit bloody skint. There’s still a shit-ton of nights going on though – check out the link below for some ideas…
Bye Bye Christmas Markets
Ending Friday 21st December
There’s been a lot of unnecessary controversy over the Christmas Markets this year, mostly from a set of people who complain they’re too expensive and that you’d be a mug to go there and spend your money as opposed to spending it with ‘local businesses’. Well, I’m not going to get into all of that right now – primarily because it’s all a load of bollocks – I’m just going to inform you that this weekend is your last chance to go down there and spend said money before they close up for another year. Get your mug deposits back too – otherwise you’re not going to be able to afford that Tamagotchi that your brother put on his list to Santa.
Brutus Gold’s Love Train
Friday 21st December
Yes! Brutus is back baby! Even though I won’t be there – this is a biggie. The legendry Brutus Gold is bringing back his Love Train for one night only and as you’d expect – it’s going to be a fucking belter. This notorious night ran for over a decade at The Ritz, every Wednesday featuring a host of sleazy 70’s characters dancing around on stage to an array of top cheesy disco hits. This special sees Brutus plus gang hit up the Albert Hall for more of the same. In fact, the entrance price is worth it just to see the dancers – of which at least two of them are proper (like mega) fit.
The Last Ever Night at The Ruby Lounge
Saturday 22nd December
It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to The Ruby Lounge this week, as it makes way for some wanky new development that a bunch of dick head Yuppies are going to try to make a quick buck on. This legendary night spot has been home to many notorious Ben Brown drunken mishaps and it will be truly missed. All we can do now is celebrate its final night with quite possibly the greatest pairing of nights ever – Club Tropicana and Absolute Shite. Both are fucking game-changers and the combination will ensure quite possibly the best night of your life. I promise.
Slade – It’s Christmaaaas!
Saturday 22nd December
You’re probably sick and bloody tired of hearing that Slade song by now – with every single shop in the fucking Arndale centre blasting it out on loop since the beginning of November. But if you’re a bit of a weirdo and want more, make sure you catch the actual Slade at Manchester Academy this week, where they are sure to sing it at least once for you. Unfortunately, Noddy Holder has officially retired from the band so you won’t get to hear him singing (or see his sideburns) but you will get to see Dave Hill and his ridiculous hair.
Die Hard at YES
Sunday 23rd December
Most of the Christmas events are wrapping up this week but there’s still chance to catch this screening of the 2nd best action movie of all time (after Robocop) – Die Hard. Certainly, one of the most exciting and well-made movies ever, plonking Bruce Willis in a building full of ‘European’ terrorists with only a vest and his bare feet is a genius idea and one that spawned all manner of copycat films through the subsequent decade after. This screening is free and with it being at Yes – there’ll also be cheap beer knocking about.
Christmas Day
Tuesday 25th December
This is possibly the most important thing that is happening this week – the day which you’ve been preparing for ever since all the Halloween pumpkins got shoved in the bin at the beginning of November. However you and your loved ones do Christmas Day, there’s no day like it – so bloody enjoy yourselves. Personally, I’ll be getting rip-shit drunk on Margaritas in Vegas but big up to everyone I know and love back in Blighty – Merry Christmas you magnificent bastards.