Port Street Beer House

Port Street Beer House provides you with fine beers from the UK and further afield.

By Lee Isherwood | Last updated 1 August 2012

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Where: 39-41, Port Street Manchester, M1 2EQ – 0161 237 9949

When: Tue-Fri 4pm-12am. Sat 12pm-1:00am. Sun 12pm-12am

Website: www.portstreetbeerhouse.co.uk

What: Opening it’s doors in late January 2011, Port Street Beer House provides you with fine beers from the UK and further afield. For those of you enthused by the world of beer, they provide a warm comfortable environment for you to sit back and appreciate the ever expanding world of craft brewing.

Port Street Beer house features a selection of hand-pulled ales from some of the UK’s most forward thinking brewers and a wide range of draft beers from the UK and beyond. An exhaustive range of bottled products takes in a little bit from as many styles of beer as they can muster. Beers that stand up to the finest wines, and speaking of wines; if you’re in the mood for something grape they will oblige with a range of fine wines selected by Hangingditch, award winning wine merchants.

You may already know these guys from their other place, Common. This is their take on a beer house, pub, drinking hole, a nice quiet place for indulging in an old favourite or trying something new. With a lovely wooden floor, lamps and a small but perfectly formed beer garden at the rear, ok so beer garden might be pushing it but it’s certainly outside.

A small selection of edibles to accompany and complement the range of beers will be available in good time!

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