Sgt. Pepperoni’s Lonely Hearts Club Band: August's Special at Crazy Pedro’s

Another month, another whacky special to get your teeth stuck into at Crazy Pedro’s, and this time you’re going to get a severe case of the meat sweats.

By Manchester's Finest | Last updated 28 November 2018

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This Pizza makes me think of a lot of things. Firstly, the name is obviously is a reference to the 1967 album by The Beetles- we can always count on Pedro to come up with a witty title for their monthly special.

The second thing it makes me think of is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I’m not the biggest fan of the world, but during the frequent battles over the remote with my brother at 7 am on a Saturday morning during my childhood, I learnt that pizza, specifically pepperoni pizza, is the Turtle’s favourite snack. They sure would love this one too.

Finally, this pizza is the kind of pizza which would have Joey Tribiani weak at the knees and trust me; you are not going to want to share this one either.

Sometimes, you just have to stick with the classics, but in true Pedro’s style, they’ve taken this special to the very limits.

Sgt. Pepperoni’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is stacked with:

  • Pepperoni Salame
  • Pepperoni Madeo Chilli
  • Napoli Salame Picante
  • Napoli Pepperoni Picante
  • Diced Green Chilli
  • Cracked Black Pepper
  • Chilli Sauce

On top of this, we are also offering our readers the chance to WIN a full pizza and drinks for 2 – just head to our InstagramFacebook or Twitter pages to enter.

Crazy Pedro’s, 
55-57 Bridge St, Manchester M3 3BQ
Short St, Manchester M1 1JG