Of all the people I’ve known in my life, well, for longer than a couple of weeks, about 60% of them have expressed a desire to make their own booze.
One lad tried his hand at an IPA, my brother-in-law likes to smash out the brandy and my mum used to make her own wine which ended up tasting like mop water within the space of around 2 days of being bottled.
It’s fair to say that making your own booze has its considerable charms, and the explosion in small independent breweries in Manchester over the last few years is testament to that. Well now one of those breweries – Beer Nouveau – are offering up their brewing equipment so you can try your hand at making your own beers using their equipment.
So if you’ve always wanted to give it a try, or perhaps you’ve got a clever little idea and you think it’ll make you millions, book yourself a ‘Brew Space’ at their Temperance Street Brewery and you can make it happen.
All you need to do is work out your recipe, send them over what you want to make, and they’ll let you know how long you’ll need the equipment for. They’ll even offer up discounted ingredients and can sort out a TAP TAKEOVER at their on-site bar so you can let people taste it!
The first step on your own brewing journey starts with a visit to the Temperance Street Brewery website where they’ll take you through all the steps needed to get going