SIRENS November social

- Partisan

SIRENS November social
Partisan, Islington Mill, 1 James Street, Salford, M3 5HW
Thu 23rd Nov, 2023
5pm - 9pm


SIRENS present their November social event at Partisan in Salford. The revue and co-constructed, interdisciplinary exhibition is open to all who identify as women from any sector or field, at any career stage.

SIRENS November social

The event is in response to the theme of WOMAN, and attendees are encouraged to BYOE (Bring Your Own Exhibit), curating the exhibition live, as it goes on. As opposed to simply different disciplines of art, 
they are inviting responses, interpretations, refutations, and celebrations of the theme from all sectors, disciplines, and mediums. This includes art, research, posters, infographics, writing, and more.

The SIRENS event takes place on Thursday 23 November, from 5-9pm at Partisan, Islington Mill, Salford.