Find Out 'Why All Drugs Should Be Decriminalised' At This Fascinating Talk

A talk with Professor David Nutt, a controversial expert on the matter, at a secret Manchester location.

By Manchester's Finest | 3 March 2020

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I looked up David Nutt, and the ‘known for’ on Wikipedia was “ecstasy controversy.” Sounds like an interesting guy.

Nutt is coming to a secret location in Manchester for a talk that’s just about as interesting as he is. The ‘drug expert’ (legendary title), will explain why the attempt to control drug use has been a global failure.

In fact, in many cases it has intensified the problem, leading to soaring prison populations and disproportionately pulling poor, vulnerable or minority communities into the dragnet of the criminal justice system.

In this vehement talk, Professor David Nutt will explain the reasons such failure was predictable and illustrate how decriminalisation policies (as pursued in other countries such as Portugal, Netherlands etc.) offer a rational and more humane way forward with huge economic and research gains for society.

Professor Nutt will also explore new research carried out by DrugScience on estimating the comparative values of different policy regimes for some common drugs.


Why All Drugs Should Be Decriminalised
With Prof. David Nutt

Buy Tickets

When: Tuesday 28th April
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Secret location – TBA 
