It’s a story of triumph over adversity, overcoming the odds and realising your dreams. But before we get to that, let’s begin with basic introductions. The Wolf Workshop is one of those rare beauties, a leatherwear business born from a genuine love of producing one-of-a-kind items. And years of experience, with owner and chief designer Pipa working in a similar store for years before its closure led to her redundancy. Refusing to let that phase her, she began making stunning originals for friends and family, posted images online, and slowly built a loyal following.

Opening in 2019, The Wolf Workshop is situated in Leigh Spinners Mill in Wigan. A fitting address for a business founded on heritage and tradition, the building is regarded as one of the finest examples of late-era mills still standing in the UK. It’s here that Pipa pours heart, soul, and love into creating artisanal leather pieces every bit as unique as the people buying them. Think bags shaped like bread loafs, pumpkin pie slices or a chocolate èclair, personalised Father & Daughter journals, and cute batwings that fix onto your boots. Many styles, for example the Hansel & Gretel backpack, take inspiration from the world of cosplay and fantasy.
Adventurers will love the Tabletop Gaming range, where you can pick up dice bags ‘topped’ with ice cream sprinkles, or shaped like friendly ghouls. And playmat holders that look like a French baguette. Still want more? Pipa runs a number of private classes at The Wolf Workshop, where you can hone skills in everything from sneaker making to wallet and diary leather-crafting. Those keen to dive in deeper can check-in for a full three-day course, others will feel more comfortable working with a handy At-Home Kit, so they can create their own fine things, while gift vouchers are also available.