Interactive and educational, touring production Dinosaur Zoo created by Aussie based company Erth brings to life the lesser known beasts of the Southern Hemisphere in a show which encourages the audience to interact with narrator/guide Kaitlyn Rogers and her prehistoric puppets right from the start.
Engaging and fun Kaitlyn Rogers is the perfect host for our afternoon’s activities, the dinosaur puppets are remarkably lifelike, transfixing the dino obsessed children (and a few accompanying adults) in the audience. Although they are clearly manned puppets once the animal noise soundtrack and green reptilian glow from the lights kick in the mood is set and you soon start to witness a little magic. With ample opportunities for the children to get involved this show is a huge hit with the inquisitive young minds in the audience. There’s even an opportunity for youngsters to get up close to the puppets once the show has finished ensuring everyone gets their opportunity.
The one and only thing I’d change about this show is the length of it, at just over 50 minutes we would have happily stayed much longer, a credit to the producers and our host for the day the fab Kaitlyn Rogers. Dinosaur Zoo is great fun, if you have any dino obsessed little ones I couldn’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon.
Dinosaur Zoo
The Palace Theatre