The POUTFEST season begins next Tuesday (13 August), and runs for ten days to complement Manchester Pride 2013.
POUTFEST is a specially selected line-up from Peccadillo Pictures that offers the best in new LGBT cinema: from Travis Mathews’ debut feature I Want Your Love to Cannes festival hit The Invisibles and Belgian gay romance Beyond the Walls.
I Want Your Love (18)
Tue 13 Aug, 20:40
Dir Travis Mathews/US 2012/71 mins
Jesse Metzger, Brontez Purnell, Ben Jasper
After a decade living in San Francisco, cash-strapped Jesse is forced to return to his Midwestern roots. On his final night in the city, friends and ex-lovers gather for a going away party that promises to heighten Jesse’s already bittersweet feelings about leaving. Featuring music from Chromatics, I Want Your Love is a passionate, deeply intimate film that dares to capture the uncensored Zeitgeist of modern San Francisco.
Beyond The Walls (Hors les murs, CTBA)
Thu 15 Aug, 20:20
Dir David Lambert/BE CA FR 2012/ 98 mins/French, Albanian w Eng ST
Matila Malliarakis, Guillaume Gouix, David Salles
Beyond the Walls charts an intense sexual relationship between Paulo, a sensitive and somewhat dependent young man, and Ilir, a bartender. Following an initial drunken encounter, the men develop a deep bond which is severely tested by a dramatic series of events. Lambert’s first feature will be a hit with fans of recent gay classics such as Weekend and Keep the Lights On.
Vito (CTBA)
Mon 19 Aug, 18:00
Dir Jeffrey Schwarz/US 2011/93 mins
Phyllis Antonellis, Richard Barrios, Richard Berkowitz
This is a fascinating documentary about Vito Russo, the man who brought us all out of the ‘celluloid closet’ and changed the face of queer film theory forever. Director Jeffrey Schwartz looks back at the man and the ways in which LGBT representation has changed over time. In the aftermath of Stonewall, a newly politicised Vito Russo found his voice as a gay activist and critic of LGBT representation in the media. This documentary is about his life as an activist, academic and cinephile.
*Event: This screening will be introduced by Monica Pearl, Lecturer in 20th Century American Literature at The University of Manchester.*
She Monkeys (Apflikorna, 12A)
Tue 20 Aug, 18:20
Dir Lisa Aschan/SE 2011/83 mins/ Swedish w Eng ST
Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin, Isabella Lindquist
Emma is a girl who likes to be in control. When she tries out for the local equestrian vaulting team she meets Cassandra, a strong, attractive and vivacious girl. As they get to know each other they share a sense of wicked fun and quickly become best friends. But feelings of jealousy, competiveness and sexual attraction have them pushing each other to their limits. As Emma spends more time with Cassandra, little sister Sara begins to discover her own sexual identity; She Monkeys presents a trio of young women for whom gender is both weapon and toy, pushing the boundaries of political correctness to breaking point.
*Event: This screening will be introduced by Jackie Stacey, Director of the Sexuality Summer School at The University of Manchester. *
The Invisibles (Les Invisibles, CTBA)
Thu 22 Aug, 18:00
Dir Sébastien Lifshitz/FR 2012/ 115 mins/French w Eng ST
Bernard, Catherine, Christian
The Invisibles explores the lives of men and women born between the World Wars who have nothing in common, except their sexuality and decision to live openly at a time when society rejected them. They’ve loved, struggled, desired, made love. They tell us about their pioneering lives and how they navigated the desire to remain ordinary with the need to liberate themselves in order to thrive.
*Event: This screening will be introduced by Clara Bradbury – Rance, PhD student in Lesbian Cinema at The University of Manchester. A clip can be seen at (password: lesinvisiblespeccapics) and press information from the distributor is attached; please let them or me know if you’d like any further information or images. *
POUTFEST – 13-22 Aug 2013