BrewDog are giving away two FREE pints this week if you just SWITCH OFF!

All you need to do is pop your Out Of Office on to claim your free beer!

By Alex Watson | Last updated 26 November 2019

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In recent years, we’ve found ourselves always switched on, it’s not just hearing the dreading ping of an email either. With more and more things going online, you can find yourself speaking about work (or to work) on Instagram, Whatsapp and Slacking until 2am.

The move from BrewDog follows research that 77% of UK office workers spend their lunch break sat at their desk and only 11% saying they actively socialise away from the office during their lunch.

Within the research, 57% of people (rightfully) say a lunchtime pint is a means of switching off from work for a brief hour or so. This is where BrewDog comes in.

The new Out of Office Campaign aims to fight back against this new culture, giving people the chance to chat and chill out on their lunch breaks and get to know their colleagues.

Between 12pm – 2pm every working day this week, you can get 2 free pints of beer or non-alcoholic beer for you and a colleague in the Manchester boozer.

According to ‘Happiness Expert’ Susanna Newsonen, taking time away from your desk and offline gives you the ability to better deal with stress and recharge, letting you go back to the office happier and feeling more productive for the rest of the afternoon.

To sign up for your free beers, all you have to do is head to and pop in your email address. You’ll then receive a suggest out of office message and a QR code for your beer.


BrewDog Manchester, 35 Peter Street, Manchester, M25BG