Feel Good Club announce debut book: 'A Guide To Feel Good And Being Okay With It When You’re Not’

Feel Good Club have announced their debut book to continue their mission of normalising speaking about mental health.

By Manchester's Finest | 14 June 2022

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Kiera and Aimie, the wives behind Feel Good Club have just announced their debut book ‘A Guide To Feel Good And Being Okay With It When You’re Not‘.

During the pandemic, Feel Good Club were praised for being a source of positivity and hope for their hundreds of thousands of followers across the globe via social media but also physically, as (with the help of Manchester’s Finest) they took over billboards across Manchester, to remind people to look after their mental health at what was an extremely lonely time for so many.

After opening their physical venue for two short weeks and going back into a lockdown, the duo vowed to stay open providing a safe space for people to come and see a friendly face during their daily exercise – whether they wanted a coffee or not, the pair spent lockdown doing everything they could to spread positivity to the community.

Feel Good Club has made a success of spreading, encouraging and sharing positivity. Kiera and Aimie’s mission is to normalise sharing how we feel, with a positive focus being the central, driving force in the daily management of our mental health.

In their first book, they will combine the knowledge and wisdom learnt from the challenges they have faced with the inspirational quotes that Feel Good Club is renowned for into an indispensable positivity manifesto that will inspire, encourage, and guide through the hard times as well as the good.

Commissioning Editor, Bengono Bessala approached the pair in August 2021 and brought their dream of taking the success of their inspirational Instagram quotes to the next level by writing their Guide To Feeling Good And Being Okay With It When You’re Not.

Bengono Says “Aimie and Kiera started Feel Good Club to create a space which allowed us all to discuss our feelings openly and honestly. I wanted their positivity to be accessible to as many readers as possible and I’m so excited to be doing this by publishing the Feel Good Club book.”

Kiera and Aimie say; “We are super excited to be publishing our first book, it’s something we’ve dreamt of since we started Feel Good Club. We hope that it helps us on our mission to making as many people as possible feel good about themselves every day. We want to let everyone know it’s okay to talk about mental health and feelings in general.

The book is now available for pre-order in Waterstones, Amazon, WHSmith and will be stocked in many independent bookstores, the first of whom are their neighbours and friends at Manchester’s Queer Lit bookshop.

The publication date is the 18th of August and shortly after making an appearance in Manchester’s Pride Parade, the wives will be going on tour across the UK and possibly beyond and have encouraged those who want a copy of the book to pre-order it ahead of time as they will be basing their tour off where the most copies are ordered urging their followers to bring their book along for a signing.
