Hold Tight at Texture NQ

Hold Tight is a new night launching on the 20th November at the recently opened Texture club in the heart of Manchester's Northern Quarter. Driven by a desire to see more than the simple formula of big name DJs and dark rooms, the Hold Tight Collective has devised an immersive, multi-sensory approach to the night.

By Matthew Tyas | 10 November 2015

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Hold Tight is a new night launching on the 20th November at the recently opened Texture club in the heart of Manchester’s Northern Quarter. Driven by a desire to see more than the simple formula of big name DJs and dark rooms, the Hold Tight Collective has devised an immersive, multi-sensory approach to the night.


The 15 strong team, which includes designers, artists and DJs, has approached the event from a holistic perspective. Influenced by their experiences at festivals and events around the world the collective strive to create a night that’s as delicious for the eyes as it is for the ears.

For the launch night, Hold Tight will showcase their strong and varied line-up of resident DJs. Exhaustive crate-digger Cutwerk has a record collection even connoisseurs envy, Calum C is the founder of the much loved night Rotation Policy and one third of Ingredients’ signees Archatype – Manna. Szajna and Big War have played together up and down the country and received blog love via outlets such as Dummy and Noisey.
The music is only one part of what is set to be a truly mesmerising night. The team of visual artists includes Nicole Gordon (Manchester School of Art), whose work with textiles has appeared around Manchester, Anna Marie Maynard, who specialises in wool and FREnchfire, part of the M20 Collective.

The brief that the artists have been given for the launch event is ‘texture’. Alongside other artists in the collective, they’ve created installations in response to the brief that will make Hold Tight a night like no other in Manchester.

The team also includes Joel Perry, graphic designer and videographer, whose work as part of HR6 Collective has appeared in exhibitions around the country. He said: “I’m really happy to be onboard with this – I don’t know of any other club nights that are doing this sort of thing and we’ve got a really strong team of people behind us.”

Nicola Hoskin, the owner behind Texture, the new, Lever Street-based venue housing the Hold Tight concept, commented: “I’m delighted to have the night to strengthen our roster. We’ve got a strong selection of regular events and Manchester has been crying out for something a bit different. We founded Texture so that the visual aspect of clubbing can add another dimension to the experience. Hold Tight addresses this head-on and I’m very excited that we’re working together.”

Early bird tickets have sold out and a limited amount of £4 tickets are available through charity ticketing site, Party for the People, for the launch event that takes place on Friday 20th November at Texture, 10pm-3am.

Hold Tight
20th November
Artists: Nicole Gordon (Manchester School of Art), Anna Marie Maynard, FREnchfire (M20 Collective).
DJs: Szajna, Cutwerk, Big War, Manna.
Texture, Manchester
10-3am – £3/4