Little Sparrow live at Odd Bar

Manchester photographer Shay Rowen shares his images & thoughts from the Little Sparrow live show at Odd Bar

By Manchester's Finest | Last updated 13 September 2012

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Manchester photographer Shay Rowan shares his images & thoughts from the Little Sparrow live show at Odd Bar, for ‘Shut The Far Cupboard’ 2nd September.

Where did you watch Little Sparrow?
At the latest in a regular series of quality nights of free music at Manchester’s Odd Bar under the banner of “Shut The Far Cupboard” saw Little Sparrow (Katie Ware) treat a packed venue to a magical rendition of her perfectly crafted songs.

And what did you think?
She has a singularly beautiful voice, complimented by the delicate vocal and instrumental talents of her fellow musicians, her growing repertoire of songs, packed with genuine emotion and warmth, mark her out as someone very special to listen out for and not under any circumstances to be missed live.

Listen to Little Sparrow on Soundcloud or find her on Facebook



All images © Shay Rowan