Manchester writer Anthony Burgess’ cult novel A Clockwork Orange plays on home ground as it enters a week long run at The Lowry theatre from 21st-26th October.
An unapologetic celebration of the human condition, this is the story of little Alex and his Droogs in their battle against the tedium of adolescence. Suppressed violence and sexual desire create a dangerous cocktail as the young men battle through the difficulties of youth.
Search is reminiscent of a young Tom Hardy, putting every bit of energy into the edgy role with his psychotic stare and manic air.
Bringing the production to the stage is all male company Action to the Word led by Liverpool actor Adam Search as the Beethoven loving sociopath gang leader, Alex.
Search is reminiscent of a young Tom Hardy, putting every bit of energy into the edgy role with his psychotic stare and manic air. Search is destined for great things and has the audience captivated by the dark comedy he introduces to the character making him truly chilling.
With a minimal set and basic costume attire of monochrome vest and trousers it’s clear the focus here is all on the acting, which is used to maximum effect.
The diversity of the ensemble cast is to be commended, each playing 3 or more characters throughout the duration and breathing life into every one of them. A special mention to Damien Hasson and Philip Honeywell for their versatility and strong characterisations of The Rev and Warder respectively.
This is a very clever, well thought out production, which tells the story in both an inventive but simple way, allowing those unfamiliar with the book or 1971 Stanley Krubrick film to enjoy seeing it with fresh eyes.
Director Alexandra Spencer-Jones creates excitement and innovation with the use of physical movement. The fight scenes have a balletic feel about them, a complete antithesis of the violence they are portraying. At times it’s like watching a Tarantino film, with disturbing scenes played out to a powerful and pounding soundtrack of epic tunes from Placebo, Scissor Sisters and Gossip.
Hannah Lee has done a stunning job of the choreography, which is precise, tight and makes the most of the athletic group of performers. The frequent use of slow motion as the cast move from shocking tableau to shocking tableau is extremely effective and has the audiences’ eyes darting from one character to another not wanting to miss any detail.
With homoerotic undertones, a fair bit of flesh on display and some perspiring energetic performers the production will definitely leave you breathless.
The ‘clock’ is ticking to catch the show whilst it’s at The Lowry. Don’t miss out…it’s a revelation!
Suitable For Ages 16+
A Clockwork Orange
Mon 21 – Sat 26 October 2013
Times 7.30pm, Wed 1.30pm, Sat 2pm
Quays Theatre
The Lowry Information & Box Office
0843 208 6005
The Lowry, Pier 8, Salford Quays M50 3AZ