Hands up if you have you walked through Selfridges Food Hall at the Trafford Centre, admired what was on show but then walked straight past on to somewhere else.
I admit it, I am that person.
I look and think ‘one day I will stop and buy something’ but I never do.
Why? Because I think it will be pricey and, to be honest, I haven’t a clue where to start as there’s so much to take in.
So, when Selfridges Trafford Centre decided to invite Manchester’s Finest along to discover what they had to offer I felt it was the perfect opportunity to tick a box and do something I have been putting off for (literally) years.
First stop…YO! Sushi. What’s that all about eh? To me it’s always been a confusing conveyor belt of different coloured dishes with no prices on. Not anymore. After a sushi masterclass led by the charismatic chef duo of Kat and Kai I realised that a lot of love and attention goes into creating the many maki rolls and sashimi they produce. Sushi making is a real skill which, when executed by the best (and they are pretty darn good), tastes delicious and is worth every penny. I have made a resolution to stop by there again, especially early mornings and Wednesdays when I’m told they have special food offers on which shouldn’t be missed.
What is great about the Foodhall is the diversity of what it contains. You can go from a big chain establishment like YO! Sushi to just a couple of metres away a small independent stall pushing out local produce…like Granny Cool, a charming marmalade and curd company from Ramsbottom.
You may have seen Granny Cool on BBC’s Dragon’s Den earlier this year and despite getting no investment from Peter Jones, they seem to be doing very well on their own, bagging a prime spot in Selfridges to sell their wares. Their marmalade laced with cinnamon is perfect to get you ready for Xmas and because the fruit is hand cut you can feel and taste the love that has gone into each jar. Yes buying a jar of Granny Cool might mean shelling out more money than you would for an alternative brand in a supermarket but it comes with natural ingredients, a great story, plus the warm fuzzy feeling that you are supporting a new start up in some small way.
Everywhere you look in Selfridges Foodhall there’s foods to feast on, from the sublime strawberry glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts to Hey Little Cupcake’s clever idea of cupcakes with your very own ‘selfie’ on top of them!
A trip wouldn’t be complete without a stop at The Wine Shop to take home something to wash down all the culinary delights. It’s incredible just how wide their wine and spirit selection is, plus I defy you not to gasp in awe at some of the beautiful bottles on display. After a good half an hour with their connoisseur Carl I’ve transformed myself from being a girl who just reaches for the same bottle every time to being more open to trying something new. It was great to soak up his knowledge and learn something new from an expert – perfect for when you are buying a gift for a friend.
In short, the whole visit was a huge success and the Foodhall gets a thumbs up from Finest. So, next time you think about using the first floor of Selfridges as a shortcut to the clothes section, take a tip…stop for a moment and you just might find you go home with something a little bit special which you may not have ever thought you would try before.