Created by The Paper Birds theatre company, Mobile is an inventive theatre show set in a caravan, which comes to Ramsbottom and The Met in Bury as party of a 24 venue UK tour, with a visit later in the year to HOME and the Waterside Arts Centre in Sale.
Mobile is a 40-minute experience for an audience of eight people; part performance, part installation. An inventive and intimate piece of verbatim theatre about class, family, aspiration and belonging; based on personal testimonies collected in community workshops powerful true stories and dreams for the future are revealed through video projection, recorded interviews, original music and interactions with a performer.
In its first visit to the North West, Mobile will run 20 times over the two days at its Ramsbottom and Bury locations incorporating engaging performance, story and ideas alongside stunning digital visuals by The Media Workshop and original music composed by Shane Durrant.
Mobile will be heading to The Grant Arms car park in Ramsbottom on Friday 23rd June, and then Library Gardens in Bury on the 24th. July will see the production head to the Waterside in Sale on the 29th and 30th, with additional dates at HOME from 11th til the 15th October.