Pint of Science coming to Manchester bringing science to the city’s pubs.

Ever since Sir Isaac Galileo sat in his bath, eating an apple and pondering the Theory of Evolution - the sciences have both baffled and intrigued the standard man in ever more beguiling ways.

By Ben Brown | 8 May 2017

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Ever since Sir Isaac Galileo sat in his bath, eating an apple and pondering the Theory of Evolution – the sciences have both baffled and intrigued the standard man in ever more beguiling ways. With the advancement of technology throughout the 20th century and the move from the massive to the infinitesimally small – the understanding of the world and our place in it can be somewhat difficult to get a grasp of, let alone understand.

Recent movements have begun to try to address this – most famous of which is fronted by Oldham-born fop-haired sex symbol Prof. Brian Cox and other similarly like-minded scientists who have aimed to get science to the masses. Even within Manchester itself, recent birth place of graphene, the rich history of science in the city – from Rutherford to Turing – creates the perfect environment for people to learn something new and interesting.

Enter Pint of Science, a non-profit organisation that aims to bring some of the most brilliant scientists into a local boozer to discuss their latest research and findings with a willing audience. More than 500 scientists all over the country have got involved so far, with topics ranging from the body, the planet Earth and even science in films such Interstellar and Star Wars.

There’s a wide range of venues and topics throughout the city and further afield, including Bluu bar, Bakerie and Terrace in the NQ. On top of this there is The Klondyke near me in Levenshulme, The Red Lion on Wilmslow Rd and The Albert Club in West Didsbury. Sponsored by The University of Manchester a full programme of their topics can be seen on their website – and although a few of them have sold out already – there’s still plenty of options to go around for anyone.

Don’t worry too much though – you don’t need any prior knowledge of science or technology or robots; it’s more of a chance to meet the people responsible for the future of science and have a few bevvies and a bit of a discussion about the important issues. There will also be the occasional live experiment, quizzes and puzzles to keep you on your toes.

The events start on the 15th May and will end on the 17th – probably best to get involved sooner rather than later.

A full programme can be seen here.