A Mysterious Door has just appeared in the Northern Quarter

What is it?! And what is it hiding??

By Ben Brown | 8 December 2020

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The Finest offices are on Lever Street, and over the past couple of weeks we’ve been intrigued by the little garden outside Chapter One Books on Dale Street. It seems that they’re building something – but we don’t know what it is!

I even went so far as to ask them on Instagram what’s going on – but all I got back was a “Wait and see” reply. Well, last night a door was erected – and it’s perked our interest further.

Being 6’3″ has it’s advantages – and today my long torso and gangly arms really helped as I stuck my phone over the top of the barriers to see what’s going on. Well, the best I could get was loads of wood, a few builders and what looks like a row of sheds or huts – which I hope will be used to serve some sort of food or drink out of.

It’s clear that this is set to be the NQ’s newest terrace or garden, but other than that – we’re in the dark as to what to expect. Will it be a Christmas wonderland? Dunno. All we can do is wait and see.

The year-old proposed project

There were rumblings about a year ago of them turning the old (horrible) space into a garden complete with seating for 80 people, a children’s play area, and a Victorian-style glasshouse, which could potentially house a florist.

So we’ll see. Keep your eyes peeled.