The Lowry Emergency Fund to support artists & young people tops £20,000

The Salford venue's 'Futures Fund' was created to support during COVID-19.

By Manchester's Finest | 27 April 2020

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With its doors and box office closed, The Lowry took to social media to raise money for a new fund created to support artists and vulnerable young people through the coronavirus crisis.

Donations to the Salford venue’s ‘Futures Fund’ have topped £20,000, with the money raised being split equally between the two groups.

Activity already delivered using the fund includes:

– Supporting artists by commissioning them to produce a range of on-line creative activities and challenges designed to help the mind and body

– Provision of ‘Art Packs’ containing paper, pens, pencils and paints to young people in care homes and homeless shelters so they can take part in the creative projects

Upcoming activity includes:

– Creation of bespoke support for young parents and their children in Salford to help with children’s early development during lockdown

– Roll-out of more 121 mentoring support for the most at-risk young people in Salford

Julia Fawcett OBE, chief executive of The Lowry, said: “We can’t thank people enough. To raise £20,000 in such a short period of time goes to show how much people value the arts in a time of crisis. This money is already being put to good use and every pound and pence we raise on top of this will help us to extend this activity further.”


You can donate to the Futures Fund here…
