How To Make Chicken 4 Ways: Chicken & Noodle Omelette with Sexy Greens

PART 2: This is a great recipe to use up leftovers and stretch them that little bit further

By Manchester's Finest | Last updated 17 June 2020

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A take on a type of dish that there are numerous examples of in different cuisines – Japanese okonomiyaki, Spanish tortilla and Italian frittata are all very similar in concept – stuff with beaten eggs made into a kind of omelette. The possibilities are endless.

Michael from Elnecot has been known to turn last night’s takeaway into lunch the next day using this method. Similarly, if you have leftover spaghetti (even if its combined with the pasta sauce) try doing this with it and you’ll be surprised at how good it is. As the eggs don’t have too much of a flavour, they make a great vehicle for everything else, whilst bulking the dish out to feed more people.

In Michael’s version, he’s made a soy based dressing. This would work equally well with your favourite stir fry sauce just poured over. Give this dressing a go at some point though – it’s a great all-rounder which tastes amazing poured on most things – marinate chicken, beef or vegetables in it or use it in place of a packet stir fry sauce next time you are making one.

This dish can easily be made vegetarian by removing the chicken. We assume it would work well with a good egg replacement for vegans too.

The sexy greens here are a nod to a dish Michael cooks at his restaurant. Its basically charred vegetables with garlic and chilli. Savoy cabbage, green beans, kale, asparagus would all work equally well – just pre-boil until just tender, cool and drain then you’re good to go.

Alternatively, serve the omelette with a tangy green salad.

Ingredients (serves 4 people for lunch)

1 breast roast chicken, including skin, thinly sliced
1 medium leek, washed, trimmed and thinly sliced
1/4 savoy cabbage, thinly sliced
2 nests egg noodles, cooked and cooled
3 spring onions, finely sliced
1/2 pack coriander, chopped
6 – 8 eggs whisked in a bowl with a pinch of salt


2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
2 tbsp honey
2 tsp sesame oil
1½ tbsp oyster sauce
½ birdseye chilli, finely sliced
2 cloves garlic, grated
1 inch ginger, grated (you don’t need to peel it)

Sexy greens

1 head broccoli, cut lengthways into 4 quarters, boiled until just tender then plunged into ice water
½ cauliflower, cut into large segments, boiled until just tender and then plunged into ice water
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 red chilli, seeds removed, finely chopped


Preheat the oven to 220°C.

Combine all of the dressing ingredients in a bowl. Put to one side

In a large, non-stick, frying pan, sweat down the leeks and then the savoy cabbage.

Add the chicken, combine for a few minutes then add the noodles. Warm through then add the dressing. Combine, warm through and then add the spring onions and coriander. Season with a little salt.

Make sure the pan is on a low-medium heat, with enough oil in the pan and then pour over the egg mixture. Stir it through, giving it a good mix and then leave on the low heat to set.

Meanwhile, make the sexy greens. In a large, oven-proof, frying pan, heat up a glut of oil on a high heat and add the vegetables, cut side down. Fry for a couple of minutes until the underside is caramelised and then transfer to the oven for 5 minutes or until the vegetables have started to singe a little on the top.

Make a bit of room in the pan and put the garlic and chilli into the gap. Using tongs, toss the vegetables in the garlic and chilli mix. Season with salt.

If using a grill, place the omelette underneath a hot grill for 1-2 minutes just to brown off the top.

Slice into wedges and serve with the sexy greens.

Part 2: Chicken & Noodle Omelette with Sexy Greens

Part 3: Warm Chicken & Bread Salad

Part 4: Leftover Chicken & Coconut Laksa

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