Roast of the Week: The Randall & Aubin Carvery Trolley

Not content with just plating up your meat, Randall & Aubin bring it right to your table first.

By Ben Brown | 29 November 2019

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With a reputation for the best (and freshest) seafood in the city, you probably wouldn’t think that Randall & Aubin would bother with a roast dinner on a Sunday but bother they do and luckily for us all – it’s brilliant.

Of course, there’s all manner of contenders for the ‘Best Roast in Town’ and if I’m being fair – I’m just not going to bother getting involved. It will only end in tears and potentially some kind of bloodshed along the way.

As a conscientious observer though – this one is certainly up there in the rankings and it’s helped, in part, by a large metal table on wheels. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you – the Randall & Aubin Carvery Trolley

Every week sees a different meat onto the trolley, and you order yourself a Roast Dinner and the chef will wheel his way to your table and carve it straight onto your plate. A generous helping of hot, meaty gravy and you’re good to go.

There’s a choice of three meats; Roast Beef Loin with black truffle sauce, Roast Shoulder of Spring Lamb with apricot stuffing & slow gravy or Roast Pork Cutlets with seed mustard cream sauce.

Add this to some crispy, fluffy roast potatoes, seasonal potatoes and a big bloody Yorkshire pudding and you’re having THE BEST time. If I was you, I’d splash out on a big bottle of fizz too and enjoy your Sunday like it’s your last. After all – it’s Monday tomorrow.


Randall & Aubin Carvery Trolley

Date: Every Sunday
Time: From 12pm
Cost: £14.50

Book A Table


Randall & Aubin, 64 Bridge St, Manchester M3 3BN
0161 711 1007