Fraser Chapman
Until Mon 14th Jan (free, Café & Bar)
Here at Manchester’s Finest we love supporting local, new and up&coming talent, for this show Manchester-based Fraser Chapman is presenting two bodies of work. In the Bar are a series of large colourful disk shaped paintings that map the different rock types found on the moon. They are accurate depictions of the geological makeup of the lunar surface, originally visualised by the astronomical community. Chapman has taken these maps and adjusted the colours, playing with their graphic potential.
In the Café are a series of small mass-produced canvases of the kind typically found in thrift stores. Fraser has ‘added’ to them by ‘subtracting’ their content. What is left are floating indications of the total scene, now hidden under a flat surface of white paint. Chapman is highly active in Manchester as an artist and supporter of creative practice, through his nomadic shop ‘Grotto’.
For more information about these exhibitions and for details of how to submit your own work for exhibit, visit