Plans are in place for a new market hall venue to be built on the site of an MOT garage in Ancoats.
Drawings have been submitted to the council for approval for an ‘independent market, housing individual stalls’ on the site on Gun Street in Ancoats, between the Express Building and the Edinburgh Castle.
It’s currently the site of the Blossom Motor Company, which has been running as a garage since the 1940s.

Proposed entrances to the market will be on both Gun Street and Henry Street to the rear, opposite the likes of Norah Store and wine shop Kerb.
According to the plans, ‘proposals are considered to be sympathetic to the significance of the designated asset (Ancoats Conservation Area)’.

They go on: “They are considered appropriate in their use of materials and form. The overall scale and height of the building will be retained, with new interventions limited to internal layout and new external facings in parts. There is no level of harm to the Conservation Area as a result of these proposals… representing an enhancement to the Conservation Area and the streetscape in this area of Ancoats whilst preserving the positive elements of existing character.“
As for the building itself, the plans note that ‘the garage adds to the mix of typologies and its employment of utilitarian materials references the industrial past of the area’.
It’s not the only food business to have made use of such a site – Romona and the Firehouse, just around the corner, also turned a disused MOT garage into a food and drink destination in 2021.
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